Функции файла config.php в MyBB


Файл config.php – это файл, в котором хранятся основные данные конфигурации. Он создается при установке нового форума, когда требуется больше прав на запись (CHMOD 777). После установки, чтобы обеспечить максимальную безопасность, мы меняем CHMOD на 444 или 644 – тогда возможно только его чтение.
Расположение: /inc/config.php

Файл Config.php с описанием всех переменных:

* Database configuration
* Please see the MyBB Wiki for advanced
* database configuration for larger installations
* https://wiki.mybboard.net/
$config['database']['type'] = 'typ bazy danych';
$config['database']['database'] = 'nazwa bazy danych';
$config['database']['table_prefix'] = 'prefiks tabel';
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'serwer bazy danych';
$config['database']['username'] = 'użytkownik bazy danych';
$config['database']['password'] = 'hasło użytkownika';
* Admin CP directory
*  For security reasons, it is recommended you
*  rename your Admin CP directory. You then need
*  to adjust the value below to point to the
*  new directory.
$config['admin_dir'] = 'folder panelu administratora';
* Hide all Admin CP links
*  If you wish to hide all Admin CP links
*  on the front end of the board after
*  renaming your Admin CP directory, set this
*  to 1.
$config['hide_admin_links'] = widoczność linku do panelu administratora;
1 - ukryty, 0 - widoczny;
* Data-cache configuration
*  The data cache is a temporary cache
*  of the most commonly accessed data in MyBB.
*  By default, the database is used to store this data.
*  If you wish to use the file system (cache/ directory), MemCache or eAccelerator
*  you can change the value below to 'files', 'memcache' or 'eaccelerator' from 'db'.
$config['cache_store'] = 'sposób cachowania plików; domyślnie db – baza danych ';
* Memcache configuration
*  If you are using memcache as your data-cache,
*  you need to configure the hostname and port
*  of your memcache server below.
* If not using memcache, ignore this section.
$config['memcache_host'] = 'host memcache';
$config['memcache_port'] = port memcache;
* Super Administrators
*  A comma separated list of user IDs who cannot
*  be edited, deleted or banned in the Admin CP.
*  The administrator permissions for these users
*  cannot be altered either.
$config['super_admins'] = 'ID super administratorów na forum;
aby dodać użytkowników wpisujemy jego ID po przecinkach';
* Database Encoding
*  If you wish to set an encoding for MyBB uncomment
*  the line below (if it isn't already) and change
*  the current value to the mysql charset:
*  https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/charset-mysql.html
$config['database']['encoding'] = 'sposób kodowania bazy danych np. utf8';
* Automatic Log Pruning
*  The MyBB task system can automatically prune
*  various log files created by MyBB.
*  To enable this functionality for the logs below, set the
*  the number of days before each log should be pruned.
*  If you set the value to 0, the logs will not be pruned.
$config['log_pruning'] = array(
'admin_logs' => 365, // liczba dni po których będą usuwane logi Administratora
'mod_logs' => 365, // logi Moderatora
'task_logs' => 30, // logi zadań
'mail_logs' => 180, // logi Mail error
'user_mail_logs' => 180, // User mail logs
'promotion_logs' => 180 // logi awansów